Cementing a Legacy: The Inspiring Journey of Dramatic Behind The Mic LLC and WeeGee


In a world filled with fleeting trends and ever-evolving musical landscapes, some artists leave an indelible mark on the industry that refuses to fade away. William \”WeeGee\” Howard is one such artist, and his legacy continues to thrive thanks to the dedication and passion of Dramatic Behind The Mic LLC (DBTMLLC) and its founder, Julie Howard-Miller. In this blog post, we\’ll delve into the captivating story of DBTMLLC\’s mission to preserve WeeGee\’s musical heritage and the notable individuals who have joined their cause, including Marshall Thompson, Oprah Winfrey, Tom Joyner, and even Billboard.

The Rise of WeeGee:

William \”WeeGee\” Howard was not just another musician; he was a pioneer in his own right. His musical journey began at an early age, and it was evident that he possessed a rare talent that would ultimately shape the course of his life and the lives of those who came across his work. WeeGee\’s music transcended genres and spoke to the soul, capturing the hearts of listeners from all walks of life.

DBTMLLC: A Commitment to Legacy:

Julie Howard-Miller, the visionary founder of Dramatic Behind The Mic LLC, recognized the importance of preserving WeeGee\’s musical heritage for generations to come. Her dedication to this mission is evident in every endeavor undertaken by the organization. Julie firmly believes that WeeGee\’s legacy deserves to be celebrated and cherished, and she is unwavering in her commitment to making that happen.

Marshall Thompson: A Respected Advocate:

Marshall Thompson, a prominent figure in the music industry and a member of The Chi-Lites, has been a staunch advocate for DBTMLLC\’s mission. His involvement is not only a testament to the impact WeeGee\’s music had on his own career but also a demonstration of his belief in the power of preserving musical legacies. Marshall\’s passion and support have played a vital role in advancing DBTMLLC\’s cause.

Oprah Winfrey and Tom Joyner: Influential Supporters:

The support of influential figures like Oprah Winfrey and Tom Joyner has further solidified DBTMLLC\’s mission. Oprah, known for her influential platform and love for meaningful stories, recognizes the importance of keeping WeeGee\’s music alive. Tom Joyner, a legendary radio personality and philanthropist, has also lent his support to the cause. These high-profile endorsements have helped DBTMLLC reach a broader audience and garner even more attention for WeeGee\’s legacy.

Billboard: Recognizing Excellence:

The music industry\’s most esteemed publication, Billboard, has also taken notice of DBTMLLC\’s dedication. Being featured in Billboard is a testament to the significance of WeeGee\’s contribution to music and the extraordinary efforts of DBTMLLC to honor his memory.


Dramatic Behind The Mic LLC\’s unwavering commitment to preserving the legacy of William \”WeeGee\” Howard serves as an inspiring example of how the power of music can transcend time and generations. With the support of influential figures like Marshall Thompson, Oprah Winfrey, and Tom Joyner, and recognition from Billboard, DBTMLLC is well on its way to ensuring that WeeGee\’s music continues to touch hearts and souls for years to come. The world of music owes a debt of gratitude to DBTMLLC and its founder, Julie Howard-Miller, for their dedication to cementing a legacy that truly deserves to endure.

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